JARS Election

Hello Everyone! Please see the list of individuals running for positions in the Elections tomorrow!

Here is a list of who is running and for what positions. You will be able to vote for that individual or another person if you wish. There will be a write-in section under every position; if you feel that person is not the candidate you want. We would appreciate full attendance at the meeting for voting at 19:00hrs at the Cleveland Draft house located in Clayton on the corner of Shotwell and US Bus 70.

For President:

Van Lee  KM4TC

For Vice-President:


For Secretary:

Colleen Futrell   KJ4QNX

For Treasure:

Brandon Seals  AK4JU

For Membership Director:

Domingo Rogers    KE4NKY

For Net Manager:

Stephen Fowler KJ4QNW

For Parliamentarian:

Jon Veno. KO4VIA. *****An exception to policy required due to membership time

JARS Cert Captain:

Mark Gibson N4MQU

Board of Directors Members At Large Positions:

We have several people running for the 2 positions of members at large for the Board of Directors. You will be given the opportunity to vote for 2 only. if more than two are selected, the ballot will be voided. (the names are not listed in any specific order

Please Vote for only Two (2) of the individuals below for Members at large

Duane K4ADH   

Bill KK4QDZ 

Adrian AJ4NX

Travis KN4WJL

Randall KO4MSN