New CERT Team in North Carolina: Johnston Amateur Radio Society CERT TEAM, serving Johnston County and surrounding counties in Central & Eastern North Carolina. Local Ham radio operators have taken a giant step forward in serving their community by taking CERT Training. (Community Emergency Response Team).
This is a National program recognized by Homeland Security, FEMA, and North Carolina Emergency Management. This course trains volunteers how to help themselves and others and how to assist Public Safety and Emergency Management during and after national disasters and other catastrophic events. There are many CERT Teams throughout the state and nation that specialize in providing specific needs for their area. This can be assisting in: search & rescue, first-aid, water rescue, mountain rescue, and assisting public safety with their operations.
The Johnston Amateur Radio Society CERT-TEAM will primarily focus on auxiliary emergency communications and other expertise upon request. With the combination of all their skills, JARS members are now qualified and certified to respond when the need arises.
Thank You to the Benson NC Fire Department for allowing JARS to use your building and facilities, and Thank You to North Carolina Emergency Management for providing this training, and Thank You to Instructors Jay Royster and Samantha Royster from the Apex CERT Team. For more information on the Johnston Amateur Radio Society CERT-TEAM, Check the web site at www.jars.net/CERT
Additional information on CERT can be found at: https://readync.org/EN/Involved_CERT.html The JOHNSTON AMATEUR RADIO SOCIETY is a Non Profit organization whose members are all Ham Radio operators and affiliated with the Amateur Radio Relay League (ARRL). Their primary purpose is to further the Amateur Radio Service (ARS) through programs, activities, and education in order to promote the radio knowledge, fellowship, and individual operating efficiency of their members. Further, it shall be their purpose to support the welfare of their community through public service including radio communications for emergency situations and public events, and through providing information, training and assistance to individuals or organizations with an interest in the ARS.
In addition JARS provides auxiliary emergency communications and other resources to support Public Safety First Responders in Johnston County and surrounding counties in central/eastern North Carolina. They are trained, certified, and licensed volunteers with a wide range of skills and experience in communications and other emergency services.
Within the organization there is a COMMUNITY EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM. They go to work during and after a major disaster or catastrophic event because other public safety resources will be overwhelmed and delayed in assisting victims in need.
The JOHNSTON AMATEUR RADIO SOCIETY is a self supporting, volunteer, 501(c)(3) tax exempt, charitable organization whose funding depends on fund raising activities such as their annual Ham Fest and donations from the general public. Anyone wishing to make a voluntary donation to support JARS please send your check to the Johnston Amateur Radio Society, PO Box 302, Benson NC 27504. Any help would be appreciated. Make a copy of your check as a receipt for your tax records.