How to call a JARS Net

Calling a JARS Net is easy and fun. Below is the net script to assist you in calling a JARS net. If you are interested in calling a net, Please reach out to our Net Whip Steven Fowler (KJ4QNW) and he will find you a spot.

Jars Net Preamble

Calling the Johnston Amateur Radio Society two meter net.

This net meets nightly on the AK4H repeater to promote fellowship and two meter use in Johnston and surrounding counties. 

This is an informal, but directed, rag-chew net, however we have the ability to become formal if the need arises. 

I am (your call sign) your net control. My name is (your name) and I am in (your city).

Do we have any emergency or priority traffic? (Recognize them if you have any) 

Do we have any announcements of interest to JARS or ham radio in general? 

We will now start the rag-chew portion of the net. 

Do we have any mobile, portable or short-time stations? 

Do we have any recently licensed HAM’s wanting to checking in?. This is your opportunity to check in with out the group of check-in’s. Please call net control.

Do we have any JARS members? 

We will now open it up to anyone who has a technician class license or high that wishes to check in, JARS members, visitors or Echolink stations. Please call net control.

Jars Net Closing

I would like to take this opportunity to thank our repeater trustee The Auburn Repeater Corporation for allowing us to use the 147.27 repeater and call it home. At this time I will close the net and return the repeater to normal amateur use. This is (your call sign) saying good night.